Make a Difference Day is October 28th – Unite to Make a Difference

Make A Difference Day is October 28th, 2017

On October 28th, volunteers from across the country will unite for Make A Difference Day, one of the largest annual single-days of service nationwide. Since 1992, volunteers and communities have come together on Make A Difference Day with a single purpose: to improve the lives of others. Make A Difference Day is made possible by you and the people of TEGNA with support from Arby’s Foundation and Points of Light.

Points of Light leads thousands of projects each year involving corporations, communities, nonprofit organizations, entire states, and individuals. The nationwide undertaking includes revitalizing community centers, rehabilitating parks, improving low-income homes, creating community art projects, mentoring, serving meals, developing community gardens and much more.

“Make A Difference Day has become an enduring tradition that brings people together, across differences, to help solve community problems,” said Tracy Hoover, CEO of Points of Light. “With projects throughout the country, it’s a great opportunity to start volunteering or, if you already volunteer, it’s a great time to invite a friend to join you.”

Key Points of Make A Difference Day

  • Make A Difference Day began in 1992 and takes place annually on the fourth Saturday in October. Make A Difference Day is made possible by the employees of TEGNA with support from longtime partner Points of Light.
  • For more than two decades, Make A Difference Day has been celebrated annually on the fourth Saturday in October and connects people with opportunities to serve, increases the strength of communities and promotes civic engagement.
  • Points of Light—the world’s largest organization dedicated to volunteer service—mobilizes millions of people to take action that is changing the world. Through affiliates in 250 cities and partnerships with thousands of nonprofits and corporations, Points of Light engages 4 million volunteers in 30 million hours of service each year. We bring the power of people to bear where it’s needed most.
  • The nationwide undertaking includes revitalizing community centers, rehabilitating parks, improving low-income homes, creating community art projects, mentoring, serving meals, developing community gardens and much more.

Make a Difference Day Projects

Are you looking to coordinate a company-wide or neighborhood projects?  Points of Light has easy to follow toolkits for those looking to coordinate volunteer projects of any scale.  Are you looking to participate but not organize a project?   Use the search tool on Points of Light website to find local projects that you can volunteer for.

For more information regarding Make A Difference Day events, please visit

Make A Difference Day Chapman Concierge

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