March is National Nutrition Month: “Go Further with Food”
March is National Nutrition Month
The theme for National Nutrition Month 2018 is “Go Further with Food.” Whether it is starting the day off right with a healthy breakfast or fueling before an athletic event, the foods you choose can make a real difference. Preparing your foods to go further, by planning meals and snacks in advance can also help to reduce food loss and waste. We should be encouraged to achieve the numerous benefits healthy eating habits offer, and also find ways to cut back on food waste.
An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. An average American family of 4 throws out food worth $2,275. A 20% reduction in food waste would be enough to feed 25 million Americans. Food waste happens on various levels: 20-20% on the manufacturing, 15-20% on the retail and 55-65% on the consumer. Rotting food produces methane, a gas 25% more potent than carbon dioxide, which causes climate change. For additional statistics and tips on how to cut back on food waste, please visit
Involving more whole foods and natural nutrition with every meal and snack is something to be conscious of consistently and not just before going to the gym or an athletic performance. Outside Magazine provided the following nine best food for athletes: Quinoa, Berries, Oily Fish like salmon, mackerel and trout, Beans and Legumes, Pasta, Cruciferous Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and kale, Bananas, Nuts and Nut Butter, and Chocolate Milk, For more information, please visit
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Eating Right For A Healthy Weight
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